I’ll let the pup bark 🙂
Verbal Information / Verbal Skills Robert Gagne classified the outcomes of all learning processes into 5 types. Intellectual Skills Cognitive Strategy Verbal Information Attitude Motor Skill We’ve already discussed Intellectual Skills and Cognitive Strategy, and understood what sort of…
Cognitive Strategy Robert Gagne classified the outcomes of all learning processes into 5 types. Intellectual Skills Cognitive Strategy Verbal Information Attitude Motor Skill We’ve already discussed Intellectual Skills. Gagne included Cognitive Strategy into his list of the five types…
The ARCS Model for Learner Motivation Coffeebeans is clamoring for our attention. She’s got something to say about Perceptual Arousal, which is one of the techniques to gain the learner’s attention. We are listening, Ms. Coffeebeans! John Keller’s ARCS model…
Intellectual Skills Robert M. Gagné classified the outcomes of all learning processes into 5 types. Intellectual Skills Cognitive Strategy Verbal Information Attitude Motor Skills Intellectual Skills – Explanation and Illustration While all the five types mentioned above are important…
Inert Knowledge Inert Knowledge comprises Ideas and Concepts that are transferred to a learner in absence of a prior schema that the new information can connect with. Thus, the new knowledge remains isolated with little chance of being applied by…