Creative Agni’s Instructional Design Courses – Views of the Participants.

The first sessions of Creative Agni’s Instructional Design Courses (The IDST Course and the IDCD Course) have ended and the course participants have sent in their views on the courses. You can read these views on the Creative Agni Participants’ Views page here.

I would like to thank all the participants for taking out time to send me their thoughts and their experiences with the course they took with me. Having spent two months together, learning to make learning fun, and having fun while doing so – brings us all closer -knitting us into a cognitive fellowship. I am happy that you all decided to take my courses, thus creating this opportunity for all of us to come together, interact, and learn from one-another. I know that every one of my audience will blend their knowledge and skill of instructional design with their own methods of imparting learning to create courses and conduct training programs that will wow their respective audiences 🙂

I wish you all the best for your future, and thanks once again.

– Shafali