This is something that will continue to trouble me until my last day on dear Mother Earth’s bossom. Why do we glam them up? Why is it that we try to tediously work our fantastic vocabulary into writing statements that…
Category: Cognitive Psychology
The IDEAL: Verbal Information
Verbal Information / Verbal Skills Robert Gagne classified the outcomes of all learning processes into 5 types. Intellectual Skills Cognitive Strategy Verbal Information Attitude Motor Skill We’ve already discussed Intellectual Skills and Cognitive Strategy, and understood what sort of…
The IDEAL: Cognitive Strategy
Cognitive Strategy Robert Gagne classified the outcomes of all learning processes into 5 types. Intellectual Skills Cognitive Strategy Verbal Information Attitude Motor Skill We’ve already discussed Intellectual Skills. Gagne included Cognitive Strategy into his list of the five types…
Sloth rises beyond his level of incompetence…or so he thinks.
Sloth tries to reduce his dissonance through deliberate misinterpretation of his supervisor’s remark. Cognitive Dissonance: Cognitive dissonance is the discomfort that people feel when they experience something that doesn’t agree with their existing knowledge or beliefs. …
5-Tips for creating Storyboards without Losing your Mind.
Developing Storyboards for eLearning without losing your Mind or (Beating the Fixated ID Syndrome) Here’s the scene. You’ve just completed your storyboard. It took you 10 interminably long days to finish it – and it’s finally done. You should…
The IDEAL: Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner reviewed the existing definition of intelligence and broadened it to explain intelligence as “a set of abilities” used to resolve problems within a given cultural context. Thus, he moved away from…
The IDEAL: Bloom’s Taxonomy for Cognitive Domain Learning
The Six Levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy Bloom’s Taxonomy classifies cognitive learning into six ascending levels. Level 1: Knowledge Level 2: Comprehension Level 3: Application Level 4: Analysis Level 5: Synthesis Level 6: Evaluation As the levels move up, the mental…
Aleatoric Creativity and Instructional Design
According to the Webster’s dictionary that sits on my desk, Aleatoric means, “characterized by chance of indeterminate elements.” Aleatoric Creativity: Aleatoric creativity thus, must mean something that’s the complete antithesis of the kind of creativity required for instructional design, which…
The IDEAL: Intellectual Skills
Intellectual Skills Robert M. Gagné classified the outcomes of all learning processes into 5 types. Intellectual Skills Cognitive Strategy Verbal Information Attitude Motor Skills Intellectual Skills – Explanation and Illustration While all the five types mentioned above are important…
Sanjay decides to join an Instructional Design Course – Motivation in Action
Sanjay decides to join an Instructional Design Course (Motivation in Action – A Short Story) Sanjay threw the cigarette stub down and stomped upon it. It was his third cigarette and he was no closer to calming down than he…