Category: Cognitive Psychology

The IDEAL: Verbal Information

  Verbal Information / Verbal Skills Robert Gagne classified the outcomes of all learning processes into 5 types. Intellectual Skills Cognitive Strategy Verbal Information Attitude Motor Skill We’ve already discussed Intellectual Skills and Cognitive Strategy, and understood what sort of…

The IDEAL: Cognitive Strategy

  Cognitive Strategy Robert Gagne classified the outcomes of all learning processes into 5 types. Intellectual Skills Cognitive Strategy Verbal Information Attitude Motor Skill We’ve already discussed Intellectual Skills. Gagne included Cognitive Strategy into his list of the five types…

Aleatoric Creativity and Instructional Design

According to the Webster’s dictionary that sits on my desk, Aleatoric means, “characterized by chance of indeterminate elements.” Aleatoric Creativity: Aleatoric creativity thus, must mean something that’s the complete antithesis of the kind of creativity required for instructional design, which…

The IDEAL: Intellectual Skills

  Intellectual Skills Robert M. Gagné classified the outcomes of all learning processes into 5 types. Intellectual Skills Cognitive Strategy Verbal Information Attitude Motor Skills Intellectual Skills – Explanation and Illustration While all the five types mentioned above are important…