Hi friends from far and near, As you may have noticed, Creative Agni’s REDAC (Rapid eLearning Development with Adobe Captivate) certificate course rolled out on August 5th. Traditionally, I’ve always participated in the first rollouts of all the programs that…
Tag: dog cartoons
The IDEAL: Cognitive Strategy
Cognitive Strategy Robert Gagne classified the outcomes of all learning processes into 5 types. Intellectual Skills Cognitive Strategy Verbal Information Attitude Motor Skill We’ve already discussed Intellectual Skills. Gagne included Cognitive Strategy into his list of the five types…
The IDEAL: Fuzzies – Why is Goal Analysis Necessary?
Coffeebeans has been harassing me to present her opinion at the beginning of this post, so let us get her out of our way and then begin In his book, “Goal Analysis” Dr. Robert F. Mager introduces the enigmatic…
Flash Fiction – Coffeebeans’ Dilemma – A Micro-story about the Challenges of Behaviorism
Why won’t she learn, wondered Coffeebeans. I must’ve gone wrong somewhere. She sat down to think some more. Froth, the woman who had adopted her, appeared to be nice. She cared for her. She fed her the best food, and…