Category: Instructional Design Courses Delhi

Next Session of IDCD Announced.

The July session of the course is currently underway and the next session is planned to begin in October. If you are interested in taking the course, write to me at the email provided on the IDCD course page. I…

Free ID Workshop on June 25th, 2017, Sunday.

I’m organizing a 3-hour workshop on June 25th, 2017. If you are interested in attending, please visit the IDP Workshop page and register. This workshop addresses: Content Developers and Instructional Designers who are working in eLearning/Content Development Organizations or Publishing…

Gamification of Learning and Training

I’ve just published the first article in the series “Gamification of Learning & Training”.  “Gamification – What does this new-fangled, star-spangled term mean?”  introduces the term to you by peeling the jargon off it. It first defines gamification of learning…