Tag: eLearning

The Creators of an eLearning Course

In my previous post “The Anatomy of eLearning“, we discussed the elements of an eLearning course. It isn’t difficult to arrive at a conclusion that one person can’t create all the elements. In the last two decades, I haven’t come…

The Anatomy of an eLearning Course

In the previous posts on this topic, we discussed the advantages that eLearning offers to organizations and the challenges that they face while implementing elearning. We are now ready to drill deeper into eLearning and understand what it constitutes, because…

The IDEAL – Topic: Constructivism

Constructivism, a theory by Jean Piaget, explains the process of learning as a highly personalized experience, in which a learner forms or constructs one’s own interpretations of any new event, which are based on prior experiences. According to Constructivism, you…